Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Official Theme song of the story:

1 comment:

  1. Hello My Angel!

    I'm so happy to see your link finally to this story once again. I have been waiting for a while (1-year) for this story to continue. You have finally answered my dreams. I have been one of your true loyal readers from the beginning ever since I joined TTS. Then we met in person and our friendship grew since then. I have all your original chapters just like you posted them on TTS. Plus you signed all my original copies as well. I can't wait for you to catch up finally to the chapters I have been waiting anxiously. I Love your Re-Write Blog very much. Now I will be watching, and following your every move... LOL! I hope this sparks an idea in your head to continue my number one story as well G-Swan.. You have me on the edge of my seat for this story.. Plus your BSOL is Breathless.... I love it so much and finally caught up to chapter 13 last night... Please continue your Magical Inspiration with this story. I Love your re-posted chapters so much since I get a sneak peek before everyone else does... Wink!!!
    Love You My Daughter,
